Media Report
Taiwan activists hope same-sex marriage ruling will be trailblazer in Asia
2017/05/23 .R. Wu, Tyrone Siu, TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan same-sex couple Daphne Chiang and Kenny Jhuang are getting married at the end of the year - even if the government won’t legalize their union.Read More
Taiwan's same-sex marriage ruling could cement its place as Asia's liberal beacon
2017/05/22 Landmark court case this week is likely to determine the success or failure of draft laws currently before parliament Nicola Smith (The Guardian) in TaipeiRead More
婚姻平權:台灣是否可能成為亞洲第一?BBC World News
2017/02/12 台灣立院審議婚姻平權法案引發國際高度關注,2016/12/12 英國BBC World NEWS 以此為主題,越洋連線訪問伴侶盟許秀雯律師(Victoria Hsu),分析台灣是否能通過婚姻平權,成為亞洲第一,並分享對於台灣同志社會處境的觀察。節目也邀請了來自新加坡的Bryan Choong及來自印度的Daniel Luther,談新加坡與印度的同志人權所遭遇的挑戰。 與印度和新加坡相較,...Read More
Taiwan same-sex marriage debate heats up as possibility nears
2017/01/06 By ABIGAIL CHOU January 6, 2017 at 13:40 JST Within earshot of the Legislative Yuan building in Taipei, 30,000 supporters of equal marriage rights cheered the passage of same-sex marriage bills...Read More
When Will Asia Finally Have Same-Sex Marriage?
2016/11/30 Taiwan is on the verge of becoming the first Asian government to legalize marriage equality. But the public is deeply divided. In October 2014, a crowd at an LGBT rights rally in Taipei, one of...Read More
Justice Minister Chiu voices support for new same-sex companion bill
2016/06/01 The China Post news staff / June 1, 2016, 12:11 am TWN / Source TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Justice Minister Chiu Tai-san (邱太三) said on Monday that he supports the enactment of a new same-sex...Read More